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What is happiness?

Updated: Aug 28, 2020

" Happiness is a direction, not a place...'' - Sydney J. Harris

As a kid in my junior years at school, I would always actively participate in public speaking, poem recitation, stage plays and what not. My love for playing the lead in a school play had to be suppressed as I entered my teens. My focus shifted over to my academics and my partcipation in what was once my passion was forced to be forgotten. But this does not stop me from dreaming about being something I always wanted to become. I mean one can dream right?

The family backgound I belong to expects me to become a doctor, engineer or maybe a good lawyer in the next five years and not someone who has tons of fanpages on any kind of social platform.

I often find myself wondering whether I want to live up to the expectations of my family or my own fantasies. Being the only daughter of my parents doesn't help here as they just want me to be on the 'safe-side' with a decent job. This causes me to be described as the 'wild child' or 'rebel' to other relatives and family friends.

''What is happiness?''

Is it to have a cosy three BHK apartment with a well-paid job or is it doing what you have loved to since ages?

In my opinion, it is doing what you have loved to do since forever.

The now seventeen year old me wants both stability and happiness, which in this case might be dificult. It is frequently assumed by others that I've figured out what I want in life, where I want to be in the next few years. The truth is, the more thought I give to what my future holds, the stronger urge I have to go back to my junior school years where I would play Rapunzel, or maybe recite a sonnet to a crowd.

To make sure that the seven year old me gets what she wanted in life is happiness...

To do what I love is happiness...

To live in the moment is happiness...

To hope, believe and love is happiness...

And to be loved for what I really am is happiness...

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