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A lil' adventure

“Once upon a time, there was an adventure…!”

There indeed was. As Fred Weasley in Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire says, 'where's the fun without a bit of risk?'

My two very good friends and I decided it would be cool to go to take a little walk in a small but dense forest close our place of residence, well after 6 p.m (Something any sensible person wouldn't do).

Of course we had been there on several occassions, but never when it got this dark. We were nervous, but overly-confident that we knew the way.

The first half of our little expedition went smoothly with us only cracking dumb jokes and fooling around and posting Instagram stories. As it got darker, we decided to make our way back. Now, to get out of this little jungle, there are two known routes. One quite a long stretch, the other a short-cut.

Being the overly enthusiastic people we are, we chose the longer path.

Soon, it was so dark, that we were compelled to put on the flashlight of the only cellphone we had. After another uneventful ten minutes, one of my friends, who is the more braver one spotted around seven dogs a little ahead of us. This worried us, as one of us was (and still is) very cynophobic (your humble author here loves dogs, in case you are wondering).

We immediately rushed in the opposite direction. By now, it was fully dark and and the moon and stars were out. Our only source of light was the phone we had with us.

This was all too much for my best friend (the cynophobic) and she was almost in tears. Seeing her that way caused me to panic too, only I thought there would be less pressure on both of my friends if I chose not to show it.

Luckily for us, our friend (the brave young lady) knew the way back like the back of her palm and within fifteen minutes of mindless panic, jogging and running, we were out.

This little adventure may not necessarily be a real 'adventure', but for us it was one scary and all the same hilarious experience

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