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Burn that self-doubt

Updated: Sep 7, 2020

“One of the greatest journeys in life is overcoming insecurity and learning to truly not give a shit.” ― J. A. Konrath

Have you ever been judged based on your appearance? Maybe you were told that you aren't good enough? Or that you can't do anything worthy?

For a 17 year old girl, I'm short, very short. I am 4 feet 7 inches in height to be precise. The rest me, my figure, my hair, eyes are often told to be beautiful. But, when it comes to my height, I have been mocked and made fun of since 7th grade. I am always told that being short is not a great thing. And names like 'shortstack', 'tiny', 'pipsqueak', 'half-pint', have always been associated with me. Some were out of affection and some out of mere mockery. It hurt me a lot in the beginning. In fact, I spent most of my 7th, 8th and 9th grade hating myself only because 'others' poked fun at me. By the beginning of my 10th grade, I stopped caring. It was extremly difficult and getting called 'minion' everytime I passed a corridor made things worse. I still get called awful names at school and my classes but the only difference is that I no longer give it a second thought.

I don't need others to tell me how to 'look' tall. I don't need others to define me for I know that my height (or any other physical feature for that matter) does not define me as a 'good' or 'bad' person. It is who I am on the inside and not how 'pretty' or 'ugly' I look.

My friend once told me, 'If you start becoming who others want you to be, sooner or later you will lose your individuality'. From that very day, I didn't allow these 'names' to bother me.

We all have our insecurities. Self doubt does not discriminate. It comes in all forms and is experienced by everyone regardless of their net-worth or bank-balance or looks. Even those of whom are the most good-looking people have something that makes them feel not good enough. Whether it is how bad they are at math or maybe that they can't cook well.

Practising self-love not only helps you grow mentally but also emotionally and spiritually. Self-love has taught me to see the good in not just my self but even those who caused me to doubt my capability. You are never 'not-worthy'. You, like everyone else have your limitations. This does not mean you are not capable. You are very capable of achieving whatever you want to. Your spark will come round, at the least expected time. Patience with yourself can help you go a great distance.

Whether you are 'short', 'fat', 'dark', 'ugly', you are beautiful, you are enough, you have a great worth, you deserve the world.

It matters not what or how 'big' the self-doubt is, but how it is dealt with. So, keep in mind you are beautiful,you are strong, you are enough, you deserve the world, you are loved.

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