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The Farewell

Updated: Aug 28, 2020

It’s not what we have in life, but who we have in our life that matters. – J.M. Laurence

We are all told 'A friend in need is a friend indeed'. And it is one of the most agreeeable quotes I've come across. I mean what good is a friend if they fail to stand by their buddy when they should?

I am a 12th grader (senior in high school), and this means that I'll have to bid adieu to almost every person of importance, be it my teachers or my friends. To be honest, at this point calling these individuals 'friends' feels ungrateful for they are now family (No, I am not exaggerating). They have been everything a family is and should be.

My biggest regret has forever been taking my family (both real and second) for granted. All that they have done for me, the way they have been by my side night and day, handled my tantrums, pointed out my faults in the right way, at the right time, is just overwhelming. It really feels safe to know that I can call any of them at even 2 a.m without hesitating. All these years at school they made me feel at home and at ease.

In the next couple of years, we are all going to get scattered for our higher education. Some might even go abroad. And yes, I shudder to think how we all will have to move on. I may make new friends, maybe not. But all of these persons, every single one of them will forever be a part of me.

As a matter of fact, some from this little 'family' have been with me since over a decade and they know me better than anyone else in the whole wide world. Even those of whom I got together with just last year, have been such a boon. Some by helping me get away from toxic freaks, others just by patiently hearing me fangirl over Tom Holland (he's such a bean)

I would really like to stop time and stay where we are and as we are, cracking silly jokes, discussing how Fred and George Weasley deserve a movie to themselves, arguing about some juicy gossip and so much more. But, I'm afraid things don't always work this way. Very soon, we all will be off, on our own roads, to our own destinations. One of us might go to Harvard, one to IISc, another to some IIT or to some business school.

Where ever we are four years from now, one thing will not change and that is this family of mine. Our love shall not know any distance.

So, here's to my amazing, beautiful and yet oh-so-stupid brood.

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